Monday 19 March 2012

Historical Argument Exercise Due

Don't forget your Historical Argument Exercise is due on Friday (30th March) by 5pm.
  • The task is described in the Unit Guide
  • It is worth 15%
  • The word limit is 800 words
  • The assignment should be submitted online via Blackboard
    • find Blackboard via the link to the right
  • AND please hand in a hard copy to me in week 6 tutorials
 Any general questions about this assignment? Please post below.


Anonymous said...

Do we need to cite and reference the whole exercise or just a bibliography at the end?

medievaleurope said...

No citation is needed for this exercise because you should only be using the chapter from the reading last week, and the task outline specifies that quotation should not be used. We'll be working on citation style in week 6 so that you have the necessary format details before the essay.